Parent Perceptions of Technology & Careers

Download the Full Report The CompTIA Spark Parent Perceptions of Technology and Careers study explores what parents of middle and high school student think about technology and digital literacy classes in school, their students’ interest in technology related careers, and resources available for career path exploration for their students. The quantitative study consisted of an online survey fielded to parents of middle and high school students during October 2022. A total of 1,108 respondents participated in the survey.

The vast majority of parents note that technology is moving in a positive direction. Interestingly, the data suggests parents are slightly more positive about technology when compared to students. The data suggests parents are slightly more likely to report their children are considering a career in a technology field. There may be an element of “hope” among parents that want their children to be successful in life.

Parents are slightly more likely to report their children are considering a career in a technology field.

Parents see technology education and digital literacy as a source of critical skills for students. 

Parents see technology education and digital literacy as a source of critical skills for students. The top reason that parents report their child not taking technology courses is lack of interest

The main influencers for career choice seems to be the immediate circle of friends and family. CompTIA’s research on student perspectives also conveys the same information – students are motivated by who and what they see around them. The main information sources are often not the most influential. Many parents are looking for more career planning resources. Only 57% say their child’s school has adequate career planning resources. The number is higher for high school 61% of parents are content with the resources when compared to only 45% for middle school students.  

The main influencers for career choice seems to be immediate circle of friends and family. Many parents are looking for more career planning resources, and are particularly interested in more real-life examples of what the job entails.