Lunar Cruise Lines

The Lunar Cruise Lines unit is an online, project-based learning curriculum designed by CompTIA Spark. Each of the included lessons ask students to learn and actively apply digital skills to help solve real-world problems. Each lesson is connected by a shared theme: It’s 2050 and NASA has just declared that the Moon is open to tourism. As a class, students will be completing activities to create the first lunar tourism company.

This unit is designed with a unique structure of phases that both expose students to a variety of technology, applications, careers and CTE clusters while also giving each student an opportunity to specialize and develop relative expertise (as compared to the skill level of their classmates) in the areas of most interest.


  • Grade level: 5th-8th grade
  • Length: 10 lessons (45-60 minutes each)
  • Cost to implement: Free


  • Enough computers for 1:1 ratio during class
  • Internet connection strong enough to stream videos from multiple devices at the same time
  • Lunar Cruise Lines introduction slides (Google Slides)


By the end of this unit students will:

  • Learn how to use every day digital tools to stay organized, share work and complete tasks
  • Be able to use a variety of applications to accomplish tasks including Tinkercad, Sheets/Excel, Canva, Scratch and PowerPoint/Slides
  • Demonstrate and identify interests in a tech or career pathway
  • Understand the role that data, marketing, software development and 3D modeling play in a company
  • Have developed 21st century skills

To make these units as accessible and easy to implement as possible, all lesson plans have been developed using only online tools that are available to educators and students at no cost (free registration may be required).